About TriviaOz

Meet the Quizmaster:
Leon Fent

Winner, Sale of the Century

Won nearly $200,000 in cash and prizes, including an Audi A6 Quattro, over 7 nights (1995)

Winner, The Chase Australia

Won $44.000 as part of a team of three (2016).

Other Quiz Show Appearances

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire


Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

(Fastest Finger First)

Million Dollar Minute

Pass the Buck

Quiz Master

(Pilot & Show)

Weakest Link

1 vs 100

About TriviaOz

Trivia events have become very popular around the world as social fun nights in bars and hotels, as fundraisers, as corporate team building events, and even for milestone personal celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries.

A good trivia event needs an experienced host. Leon Fent’s TriviaOz has 26+ years running trivia pub nights, social trivia events and fundraiser events.

Our list of clients ranges from Australia’s largest banks and nationally recognized corporate institutions to notable charities and social clubs to private individuals. TriviaOz’s professional tried and true format features full multimedia using the latest technology, including twin-speaker UHF PA, laptop, video projector and screen to create a fully immersive and engaging experience for all participants.

Whether you’re after a fun night of entertainment, extra revenue for your venue on a quiet night or looking to raise funds for your club or charity, TrivaOz has the experience, the format and the proven success to make it work for you and your guests.

Who Are Our Clients?

From ASIC-listed companies, including the big 4 banks, to national charities, schools, clubs, pubs and individuals - we've done it all, and everywhere – planes, trains, automobiles, indoor/outdoor, private homes, at sea.

Pubs & Venues

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Social Clubs

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Sporting Clubs

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Private Events

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We’ve Been Running Trivia Events For 26 Years.
Isn’t It Time You Tried TriviaOz?

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What Our
Clients Say

View Google Reviews

Leon hosted a great evening the other night for our staff in our office. The entertainment provided along with the unique and fun trivia questions were great to welcome staff back into the office! Everyone has only said positive things since and we look forward to working with Leon again in the future!


EML Workcover

We used TriviaOz for our kinder fundraising event and it was the BEST. We only had about 50 people but everyone had so much fun! everyone felt comfortable and got involved. Lots and lots of laughs! We also raised a lot of money! Much more than I expected since it was a small group. Thanks so much Leon and Chris!



I highly recommend TriviaOz! They hosted our Kinder Trivia Night Fundraising Event and I can’t thank them enough. Rob our host was fantastic and made the night so much fun! In addition to the trivia he was happy to MC, run the raffle, auction items; whatever we wanted! It was such a successful night. Thank you Rob and TriviaOz!



We had Pete host a trivia night for our Hockey Club. It was a challenge with almost 200 people in attendance ranging from 13 years old to people in their 70s. Pete kept the night flowing and kept relative control of a somewhat rowdy crowd! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the night and stated we need to make it an annual thing! Thanks to Pete and TriviaOz for helping make our first trivia night a success.



Kevin from Grapevine Events and Leon from TriviaOz/Quizking were terrific to deal with. From answering my questions and helping us with all of our bespoke requirements, they made our hybrid trivia night go off without a hitch! Jacob was a delight as a host. Everyone had a really great time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves at our first national firm event since the pandemic. A real testament to Kevin, Jacob, Leon and their team!”

Briana Jackman

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Leon AKA the Quizmaster hosted our work Christmas party and boy did he put on a show - everyone has been raving about what a great time they had. Would definitely recommend TriviaOz to anyone looking to host a corporate trivia event 

Hayley Gould

Office of Public Prosecutions